say, then do

“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”
- Epictetus

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,


connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

Read more from connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

“Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies,you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself,you reconcile all beings in the world.” – Lao Tzu See you tomorrow and keep pursuing, JC

A friend told me a story his pastor shared, and I've been thinking about it a lot lately: A father and son planned a road trip across the desert. This trip happened before cell phones, GPS devices, and modern technology that makes traveling easy, and the risk of getting lost very, very low. Armed with just a map and a full tank of gas, the father and son began their trip. After a couple of hours on the road, they arrived at a fork in the road—a fork that wasn’t on their map. Confused by the...

As I mentioned in yesterday’s Note, I started the day being lazy–laying on the couch, binge-watching Starting Five on Netflix, and researching different breathwork trainings. My lazy Sunday didn’t stop there. I did some reading.I watched some football.I took a couple of short naps.I cut the backyard.I watched two movies on the couch with Silas in the evening. I didn’t think about work, I didn’t think about writing anything, and I didn’t feel the need to be on my computer planning for the...