more surrendering

Over the last few days, the Universe’s encouragement to “surrender” continues to follow me.

Here are a few examples:

1. Talking to a good friend I haven’t spoken to in far too long said, “what got you here isn’t what will get you where you are going.” He said this as we were catching each other up with everything going on, and he spoke it referring to both of us.

2. The quote above repeated a quote that one of my closest friends, with whom I was staying, had said earlier in the trip while we were hanging out at our Air BnB.

3. I ran into another friend in the profession who I found out is very spiritual and operates on a similar frequency as me; I learned this after a conversation at another conference a couple of years ago. As he brought me up to speed on his new endeavors and path, he mentioned that he was re-reading The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer.

4. On the flight home I deviated from listening to the Interstellar soundtrack (definitely listen the next time you fly—it makes it seem like you’re the star of a movie and your flight is the focus of the scene) and listened to the latest Rich Roll Podcast with Hakin Tafari. Within the first five minutes, Hakim shares how he has been enjoying “surrendering.”

Here are a few quotes I jotted down while listening to Rich and Hakim talking:

  • As I’ve learned to soften my heart, I’ve really learned how to surrender.” (Hakim)
  • “”The act of dismantling old habits…getting rid of what doesn’t servicing me. Surrendering is just that. What is not servicing you gotta let it go.” (Hakim)
  • “I need to get rid of this, I need to get rid of that. Whether it be physically, mentally, or spiritually.” (Hakim"
  • “They equate surrender with weakness. And to me surrendering is like a superpower.” (Hakim)
  • It’s also an act of courage because it's forcing you to confront your Self in an honest way and make peace with the fact that you’re not the all powerful in control being that you would like to believe that you are.” (Rich)
  • “Weakness is going about your way and never turning the gaze inward to deconstruct that illusion." (Rich)

I’m constantly letting the Universe know I am receiving it’s message and moving towards identifying what services me today and what doesn’t.

I also think many of the readers of my Daily Notes may also be receiving messages from the Universe about surrendering too—and hopefully, today’s note is just another one of those messages!

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,


connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

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